Email and Sms Marketing: reach millions of users in a quick and efficient way

With an email and sms marketing campaign it is possible to send emails and sms to thousands of users at the same time, giving information on company products, services, news, promotions or offers.

It is a very efficient kind of direct marketing, linked to the massive use of cell phones and devices that allow users to read their email directly from mobile phones. The communication has to be vivid and has to convince users to read, without being inappropriate or useless to the recipient. 

COMMED I A plans email and sms marketing campaigns able to satisfy various needs, from the simplest to the more elaborate demands, aimed to generate new contacts and build customer loyalty.

We provide custom-made solutions to launch email marketing campaigns, because not every kind of information is suitable for this kind of marketing.

Do you need to create an efficient email marketing campaign?


COMMED I A is a Communication and ICT Agency, Microsoft certified, based in Lecce and operating throughout Italy. Specialized in Web Solutions, thanks to a team of both Sitefinity and SharePoint developers, it plans and realises projects in the fields of graphic and web design, advertising, social media and web marketing, press office, political communication, PR and events, training.

Contacts Us

Via Foscarini, 18
73010 Lequile (LECCE)
P.Iva 03485250751

Phone: 0832 228509

Fax: 0832 220867

Email: [email protected]

Pec: [email protected]

Corporate Governance