Web Banner: choosing an appropriate, brief and impactful message, able to draw attention and give the brand visibility, it is an opportunity that should not be underestimated.

Banners: the most popular advertising vehicle on the Web

Banner is the most widespread advertising vehicle on the network. Images, programs and multimedia apps inform users and encourage them to choose a product or a service.

The Advertising banner is still a valid tool to give visibility to our brand, a short and impactful message drawing users' attention in a few seconds and encouraging them to interact.

It requires competence and professionalism to design a Web Banner   

Competence and high degree of professionalism in the fields of communication and advertising make COMMED I A a very reliable partner in creating and developing an effective banner, able to contribute to marketing and business purposes.

The goal is to offer a focused and original solution, still within the perimeters of the general advertising communication plan.


COMMED I A is a Communication and ICT Agency, Microsoft certified, based in Lecce and operating throughout Italy. Specialized in Web Solutions, thanks to a team of both Sitefinity and SharePoint developers, it plans and realises projects in the fields of graphic and web design, advertising, social media and web marketing, press office, political communication, PR and events, training.

Contacts Us

Via Foscarini, 18
73010 Lequile (LECCE)
P.Iva 03485250751

Phone: 0832 228509

Fax: 0832 220867

Email: [email protected]

Pec: [email protected]

Corporate Governance